Info About US

Absences: The school should be notified of student absences by telephone or through the HERO app.  If we do not hear from you regarding your child's absence you will be contacted by the school office to check on your child's absence.

Attendance: Please read our Attendance Policy & Procedures document for more information. 

Ag Week: Each year students can participate in Ag Week through a variety of learning opportunities. We host a traditional Ag Day Celebration with animals, judging and prizes as well as events and opportunities for students to participate in throughout the week. 

Bell Times

8:45am School Starts

10:45 - 11:10          Morning Tea

12:50pm - 1:30pm Lunch 

2:30pm Dismissal from class. Bus leaves at 2:35pm

Bus:  We have one bus which runs each morning to pick children up for school and then in the afternoon to return them home.  If you have any questions about the bus route please contact the school office. There are Ministry guide lines around eligibility for students who can take the bus. 

Communication:  We communicate with our families via HERO, the Springdale School Parents Facebook page, text messages and email.  Families should sign up for HERO or download the app as this is where notices and your child's learning progress can be found.

Curriculum: Our well-rounded curriculum is up to date with the latest structured math and literacy ministry requirements. Our programs have been streamlined across the school with hands - on and play - based learning opportunities that help ensure that every students' learning needs are met. 

Enrolment: Springdale School accepts Year 0 - 8 students throughout the year. Simply email for more information or come to the school for an enrolment pack. 

EOTC: Springdale School offers a range of EOTC opportunities for students including day trips and overnight camps for older students. 

FOSS: Get involved at school and help with fundraising and organizing events for students by joining our Friends of Springdale School parent group. 

Gardens: Students have helped design and create beautiful gardens throughout the school property. We have a Native Garden with a small pond and boardwalk, the Te Awa Mara garden for growing fruit and vegetables as well as a potting station and an Interactive Sensory Garden in the courtyard. Every year we work with students on expanding and enriching these areas and have many exciting ideas for the future. 

Student Regulation Plan: Please read our Springdale School Student Regulation Plan for  information about how we work with and support our students. 

School Uniform: Students wear school uniform, which can be purchased through the school office. 

Sports: Springdale School offers a wide variety of sport events to participate in and teams to join throughout the year. We host our own school competition days and compete against other schools in the Te Aroha Kahui Ako. 

Swimming: During Term 1 and weather permitting, students are taught swimming skills through their classroom teacher on a daily basis. 

Tech: Year 7 & 8 students are transported to Tech on Fridays at Morrinsville Intermediate. 

Technology: All students are provided with one to one devices such as tablets or Chromebooks to enhance their learning.

Music: Once a week we have guitar and piano tutors on site to teach small group and one-one lessons for students who sign up.